Before we begin, take a moment to recognize yourself for all the great things you have accomplished so far. Thank yourself for being you. Now, I have a sneaking suspicion that you did not actually take a moment for self-gratitude. That’s O.K. However, I encourage you to do this because it will help you get the application process started.
Your Law School Application
An application is basically an advertisement for yourself. So, if you are not sure which accomplishments or passions to include, it is unlikely that you will advertise them well. If this seems a bit self-absorbed, it’s not.
When Snoop Dogg accepted his star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, he thanked himself and rightly so. Just remember that, like Snoop Dogg, you deserve that star. You have worked so hard to even consider applying to law school. It may not seem like it, but you really have.
Choose the schools you want to apply to and write them down. Also, write down their application due dates and their required application materials. There is nothing worse than realizing you forgot to send in a required document before the priority date of one of your top choices. Trust me. However, even if you do, don’t let it get you down.
Send it in and don’t sweat it:
a) you will still make an amazing attorney
b) the school will still look at your application
No application is 100 percent perfect. Seriously, even the person you consider to be extremely smart and organized will not have a perfect application or a perfect application process. Everyone’s application process is different, so it is imperative that you do not compare yours to others. Stay sane and stop comparing.
You may have many applications to send out. Plan out an application schedule based on the due dates you have already written down. For example, reserve one hour a day or Saturdays or whatever works for you, to work on your application. Now, every law school will want to know a lot about you.
Most law schools will require transcripts, personal statements, and descriptions of your experiences. This is good because it will save you time. When you write something for one application, save it in a Word document just in case you can repurpose what you wrote for another application. This will alleviate the stress of writing something completely new for every application.
Of course, you will want to tailor each application answer to each school, but your core motivations and experiences will not vary too much. Most of all, it will save you energy so you can focus on your inner peace.
Finally, find and practice the things that give you inner peace. This could be anything: books, exercise, sports, or playing with your pet. It is important to take a little time for yourself during this process.
While that may seem impossible with school, a job, or other life situations, it will be worth it. Carving out time for yourself is a skill and one you should practice. Knowing how to relax and recharge is a great asset in law school. You will be doing yourself, your future colleagues, and your future clients a favor.
Originally from St. Augustine, Florida, Molly Kaelin is a Double Hatter in her 2L year at Stetson. She received her bachelor's degree from Stetson Law in 2015. She plans to practice Patent and Intellectual Property Law upon graduation. In her spare time, she likes to play tennis and cuddle with her cat, Annie.
Topics: Applying to Law School, Articles