If you want to advance your law career while balancing work, a family, or other responsibilities, consider pursuing an online degree. Stetson Law offers online LL.M. programs in Advocacy and Elder Law.
These advanced law degree programs are designed with working professionals in mind, but are still a significant commitment, and students often have reservations about what it might be like.
We’ve collected some of the most common student questions and concerns to give you more insight into Stetson Law’s online LL.M. programs in Advocacy and Elder Law.
While online classes give you the freedom to learn from anywhere, Stetson Law’s LL.M. program is extremely interactive. Each class begins with a video from the professor, related reading, and a discussion component. Videos and readings are completed on your own time, and the discussion gives you the opportunity to work through the topics with your classmates and your professor.
Stetson's Advocacy and Elder Law programs give you the chance to meet your classmates and professors during annual conferences.
Read More: How do students interact while getting an online law degree?
Most people do not struggle with studying online, especially in our increasingly digital world. However, it completely depends on the individual. Our students overwhelmingly enjoy our online programs, and are successful in them.
Our professors understand that many of the LL.M. students are busy with families and with their law careers. While they always expect the work to get done, they also understand the pressure students might face if they have big cases to prep or other professional and personal commitments. Just make sure you keep your professor updated and communication lines open.
You don't have to attend online classes at a specific time. While the video, reading, and discussion must happen within a set time (usually within a week), when you complete the work is up to you.
Want to study at 5:00 am when you have no other obligations? Are you a night owl who works best closer to midnight? Whatever your preference, and regardless of your other commitments, as long as you can set aside hours to study each week then you can complete your LL.M. degree alongside your other responsibilities.
Read More: How to prepare your schedule for studying law online
If you have the option of earning your degree on-campus, you might be wondering if you’ll receive as complete an education online as you would in person. You should know that our online LL.M. classes are conducted with as much care and attention as our on-campus classes.
Our professors are always available to meet with you, just as they would be on our campus. The students are engaged, the lessons are thorough, and the discussions are insightful. Plus, our online classes give you the benefit of interacting with law professionals from across the United States.
Read More: Is an online LL.M. degree worth it?