Study Abroad at Stetson Law

February 8, 2025

What you need to know to prepare for the challenges you will face in today’s international marketplace.

Studying abroad is an excellent way to distinguish yourself and develop competencies that are sure to impress your future employers. Like these Stetson Law students studying in Granada, your job opportunities will expand as your expertise grows.


Stetson University College of Law’s study abroad and exchange programs help students become successful lawyers in the global marketplace. While studying abroad, you’ll learn about different cultures and legal systems, make valuable connections with classmates, legal scholars and practitioners from other countries, and open yourself up to areas of the law you never knew existed.


Here are our top 5 reasons to study abroad.

1. Live life with no regrets and experience the unforgettable. Most people say that their abroad opportunity was one of the things they most enjoyed about law school.
2. Understand the world from another perspective. You’ll start to appreciate what you have here at home!
3. Learn from outside your country. You can offer international business or legal perspectives to employers at home.
4. Gain a better understanding of important issues affecting all countries. Understand human rights, immigration, international tribunals, international business and more.
5. Get a hands on approach. Engage in research and service activities related to global, regional and local international law issues.

Stetson offers short-duration programs like Spring Break in Cuba to longer programs where you can earn a second degree, such as the LL.M., from schools in England, France, Ireland and Spain.

Learn More About Study Abroad at Stetson Law

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