Law School Prep: How to Stay Sharp Over the Summer

February 8, 2025

Summer vacation means warm breezes, relaxing poolside, and winding down before law school kicks off. Don’t let the lull of summer dull the effort and knowledge you’ve stored up during the academic year. This summer keep your mind sharp.


The Importance of Staying Sharp Over Summer

The academic tradition of summer vacation leads to another, less desirable, tradition: the loss of skills and knowledge known in educational circles as Summer Learning Loss. Ask any educator and they’ll tell you, it’s real and it’s detrimental to student success.

But your mind doesn’t have to turn to a sun-burnt mush just because school’s out for summer. Here are some easy ways to stay sharp over summer:

Read a great book. Summer is the perfect time to crack open a classic work of literature. Shakespeare at the beach will keep you sharp, with the added benefit of looking like the smartest person on the shore.

Listen to interesting lectures. Put those ear buds to good use. Many companies and educational institutions offer audio streaming of lectures on the most fascinating of subjects. Environmental Justice, the History of the Roman judicial system, ethics in the film Star Wars... The list is endless. Plug in and stay sharp!

Develop a new skill. Do you have any skills you need to develop to make yourself more competitive to employers after law school? Now’s your time to brush up on software or hone your task management skills. If you don't know Excel, learn it!

Take a free online class. Some of the best professors in the nation offer a wide array of free online courses and serial podcasts. Grab your laptop and pull up a lounger poolside all while keeping your mind in tip-top shape.

Start a discussion group. Just because you’re not in a classroom doesn’t mean you can’t experience the excitement of an intelligent discussion. Grab some friends, pick an interesting topic, and start exploring. If all your friends are off trotting around Europe start an online discussion group. The exchanging of ideas is vital to keeping the mind sharp.

And speaking of Europe. Travel. The world awaits. Nothing stimulates the mind like getting out of town. Fill up the gas tank or book a flight to a new destination. Explore, eat, see, listen. The experiences and knowledge gained from your travels will stay with you forever.

So remember, just because classes aren’t in session doesn’t mean you have to turn off your brain. This summer stay sharp by keep your mind in gear.

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