How to Prepare for the LSAT

February 8, 2025

Taking the Law School Admission Test, commonly known as the LSAT, is one of the most important steps toward earning your J.D. Your LSAT score is a major factor in whether or not a law school will accept you, so a strong score is critical. And if you’re planning to apply for fall admissions, now is the time to start prepping for the LSAT.

studying for lsat

Start early and study often

You have a lot to do to prepare for law school. You need to research schools, request transcripts and letters of recommendation, and complete applications. This may be in addition to a current job or parenting duties. Don’t put off preparing for the LSAT during this busy time; it’s never too early to start. Schedule a dedicated time each day (or evening) when you can devote a couple of hours to reading, lessons and practice tests.

Summarize your reading

Skip the highlighter and pass on note-taking; studies prove these methods do not improve comprehension. For an exam like the LSAT, which judges your ability to think critically, you’re better off reading through an entire chapter and then summarizing what you’ve read to ensure you’ve grasped all of the concepts.

Take care of yourself

Your overall health and well-being can affect how well you focus and retain knowledge, so now is the perfect time to start eating healthy, exercising regularly and getting a good night’s sleep. Also, find an activity that reduces your stress level, like yoga or meditation. Continue these healthy habits right up to test day and you’ll be ready to ace the LSAT.

Play logic games

One of the most challenging parts of the LSAT is the logic games section, but you can prepare by enjoying brain-teasers now. Keep your brain sharp between study sessions by playing a few short logic games. You can find many of these games online for free or in the app store on your smartphone.

Scope out the location beforehand

Visiting the testing location ahead of time can help alleviate Test Day jitters. Knowing in advance how long it will take to arrive, parking options, location of restrooms and other details can make you feel more comfortable on the day of the exam.

Want more tips to ace your LSAT? We’ve put together a printable tip sheet with great advice from Stetson law students who have already successfully taken the exam. Get yours below.

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