How does a Master of Jurisprudence benefit a non-legal career?

February 8, 2025

For some, knowing the law is vital to their career. Elder care, for instance, can quickly become very complicated with regulations, laws, and standards. Healthcare and business transactions are two more fields that are bound by regulation. Knowing the law can help professionals distinguish when further legal assistance is necessary, provide the fluency necessary to understand the law and ultimately make a final decision with the needs in mind of both the patient/client and business.

Still, you might be thinking: I’m never going to try a case, I’m not a lawyer, why might I need a Master of Jurisprudence degree?

Three career paths that require an understanding of the law.

There are many professions where a law degree, even if you aren’t arguing before a judge, can be beneficial. But let’s look at these three areas: elder care, healthcare compliance and international business.

Elder care and administration

Imagine being an administrator at one of the 683 licensed nursing homes in Florida or one of the 1240 in California. There is a lengthy laundry list of federal laws that govern everything from patient sanitation to diet to disaster preparedness. Add to that a patchwork of state laws and numerous challenging insurance issues which makes the field all the more difficult. Someone has to navigate all of this. Why not you?

Doctor holding clipboard with file in hospital room

Healthcare administration

Not just eldercare, but the entire healthcare compliance labyrinth can be much more easily navigable with a law degree. The Affordable Care Act, shifting state mandates, and fickle insurance mandates have all created a healthcare system that is constantly evolving. Imagine navigating that dark maze. The Master of Jurisprudence in Healthcare Compliance is a valuable beacon to light the way.

International business management

In the field of international business, politics and regulations are constantly in flux. Having an understanding of what important paperwork is needed in Russia or what EU rules apply to Franco-American trade can save you a lot of time and money. Why hire an expert when you could be the expert?

Why upper-level professionals need to understand the language of the law.

A Master of Jurisprudence in any of the three areas we’ve outlined can bring a variety of enhanced experiences and benefits, among them:

Build your legal proficiency

When you know the language of the law, you can understand the regulations and can work with legal experts to come to a decisions that is both a smart financial and legal decision. Elder care, healthcare compliance and international business consists of many moving parts and having an advanced degree and training gives you a holistic view of the entire ecosystem.

Problem Prevention

When you know the law, the regulatory requirements, and the penalties for non-compliance you can cut off an issue before it becomes a problem. An advanced degree gives you the insight you need to comply to regulations.

Patient/Client Experience

A stronger understanding of the law and regulations empowers your organization to provide a better patient/client experience with better outcomes. That's a win for everyone.


There are a lot of altruistic and practical reasons for a non-legal professional to pursue a Master of Jurisprudence, but ultimately, your focus is on your own career advancement. Advance as a leader with your new found understanding of law through a Master of Jurisprudence.

Earn your M.J. from Stetson Law

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