There are dozens of LL.M. programs available at schools all over the country. There are LL.M. programs covering a wide range of topics from Advocacy and Elder Law to Gaming Law and Tax (110 categories at last count!), according to the ABA.
With so many to choose from, it’s important to find the right field for specialization. Stetson’s LL.M. in Advocacy offers a broad array of important and timely courses and is taught by seasoned faculty who bring years of courtroom experience to the classroom. Plus, our Advocacy LL.M. is online! It was designed for the practicing attorney and lets you work at home at night or on the weekend.
To help you decide if the Advocacy LL.M. is right for you, we put together a few of the reasons we established this program, and why our students and alumni chose this field.
Junior attorneys seeking to move into positions with heavy courtroom demands will need to show that you have the knowledge, skills and abilities—or competencies—that your competitors lack. With an LL.M., you have proof that you’re specialized in advocacy.
Perhaps you have mastered the practice, but have always wanted to teach voire dire, effective discovery or the use of an expert witness. If you want to transition into teaching law, this LL.M. will make you more marketable. There is even a class on Teaching Advocacy!
Some of our students join the LL.M. program right out of law school, but many are five to six year practitioners who didn’t start out in the courtroom. They are now litigating and are realizing that they lack advanced evidence knowledge or never took a course on damages. Then there are those students who have been practicing for decades. No matter the background, an LL.M. in advocacy provides a way for professionals to continue working while they improve their skills.
Many of our students have opened their own firms only to find that, while they are excellent practitioners, they need a hand developing out their business models and staff and attorney mentoring practices. Our Law Practice Management Course was designed just for this reason!
Where you receive your LL.M. can be just as important as having it in the first place. In Stetson’s LL.M. program, you are taught by those who oversee the #1 program in trial advocacy in the nation. Our program is well-known and well-respected for helping students develop this important skill set. This degree is especially relevant to students who attended law schools and either did not take advocacy-related courses or whose schools didn’t offer them.