You made the commitment to further your education and, hopefully, enroll in one of Stetson’s three LL.M. programs. Congratulations on taking this big step! We gathered a few tips from the faculty and staff from each of the LL.M. programs to help you make this transition back to being a student - but this time with a full-time job and family responsibilities.
Here are some tips from the experts. We hope you find them helpful!
Make sure everyone is on board with the plan and will support you in this journey. Invite your partner or spouse to be part of a counseling session with the LL.M. program director to learn more about the time commitment. Take a family outing and spend quality time together. You will find that advanced preparation and strategic prioritization will help you devote appropriate time to the program.
If you are working while attending the LL.M. program, make sure you communicate with your employer about the value of the program to your work and leadership at the firm or agency. Talk about important deadlines so you are successful both at work and in school. As you prepare for upcoming trials, for example, notify your professors and discuss how you will complete class assignments in a timely manner and ensure you meet work obligations.
Do your research! Take the time to reach out to alumni from the program. They have completed the journey and can offer advice for you—everything from what courses they enjoyed the most to how to maintain a work-school-life balance and more!
If you are an international student, meet with school officials, including international student advisors, for guidance on whether the LL.M. is the right program based on your overall goal. For instance, an international student who now lives in the U.S. might find the Accelerated J.D. for Foreign Attorneys (a.k.a., 2-Year J.D.) or Stetson’s Juris Master in International Business Law a better fit with career goals.
Make sure you have a good, reliable laptop or desktop (depending on whether your program is live or online) so you can do your school work and not worry about crashes, freezing or the Blue Screen of Death (which inevitably occurs the moment you are trying to upload a paper and meet a deadline). Back-up your work!
If you have not yet applied, here is a special tip to get you motivated: When you are ready to apply, carve out time to do it right. Spend time on your personal statement and choose your referrals wisely. Update your resume and be sure to include your honors, awards and community service. The Committee weights these elements of your file heavily; they want to make sure that this program is a good fit for you and that you are a good fit for the program. We want all of our students to be successful and forever a part of our Stetson Law Community.